Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DIVISION good or bad

Whenever many rivers meet each other, there is a formation of a large reservoir called sea takes place, which carries a tremendous amount of energy. Energy to give life and take life.

Human oftenly divides every thing he seems to be dangerous as we create a separation to control the fire, the flood, the revolt.

These separations are good so as to minimize the losses. But some separations and divisions are bad. They cause heavy losses of life and wealth.

In today's world we see more of bad divisions rather than the good ones.People are creating humiliation among themselves. Mankind is getting divided day by day into races, castes, religions, colours. People are back-locked themselves into the darkness of inhumanity and hatredness.

Why is this happening. Why?
Are we not humans anymore? Are we not kind anymore? Are we not emotional anymore?

Of course we are. the only and main problem is GREED. Greed of getting more and more of everything and at any cost . To achieve the par level of this greediness, people are dividing day by day. My community, my religion, my nation, my monopoly. Where is that 'WE' gone? We have buried our 'WE' under the dark grounds of this malicious garbage of foolishness.

British people rule the world by applying 'Divide and Rule' policy. Hitler and Mussolini bang the world by applying hardcore hatredness and brutality and so on. Examples are many.

BUT, the question is, is it right to carry forward with this blunderer mistake? 

Stop committing this mistake again and again. No one will going to suffer except us. STOP this division of nations and creation of more and more borders. All animals, plants, lovely creatures of this heavenly world are free to move anywhere by their will. Then why the best Creation of The Supreme Power is bounded. Bounded in BORDERS of greediness, self centered behavior and also the self made borders between the lands and waters.

STOP acting like an emotionless filthy piece of dead meat. We are living beings, please act like the same.


bilal said...

Great thought.......

leo oberoi said...

thank you Janab Bilal for your kind appreciation.
i will try to post more of my free and vibrant thought in a presentable good manner
thank you again
Khuda Hafiz